Sunday, June 30, 2013

Smitten Sunday

Welcome to Smitten Sunday!

Every Sunday I am going to share what I have been lusting over the past week. Things I want, need, or have. Let's do this!


Essie Nail Polish in Mint Candy Apple

Essie Mint Candy Apple
Photo Credit:
I have been obsessed with the color mint lately, and this is the perfect mint color from my favorite nail polish brand.


Caffex CoffeeMallows

Caffex CoffeeMallows
Photo Credit:
Who has two thumbs and a marshmallow addiction? THIS GIRL! Plus I love coffee! I can never seem to drink it fast enough when I wake up. I can think of no better way to start my day than shoving a delicious caffeine packed marshmallow in my pie hole. Could be dangerous though considering the way I eat marshmallows! I could end up on the floor having a seizure. Whateves. SO. WORTH. IT.


Pain, Parties, Work: Sylvia Plath in New York, Summer 1953
By Elizabeth Winder

Pain, Parties, Work
Photo Credit:
I am a HUGE fan of Sylvia Plath, and find her life inspiring and fascinating. Elizabeth Winder has focused on a very chic time in Plath's life and given us a beautiful book that takes me back to a more glamorous time. A time where hats and gloves were required, Dior's New Look was hip and covering beauties everywhere, and one could not imagine wearing anything other than bright red lipstick. A time when saying you were dating a "Dandy" was envious. A time when Mademoiselle magazine still existed. Sigh. I am SO ENJOYING reading this!

What have you been obsessed with this week?


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